Index of Pictures / ..

  Approaching the old Salmen stone bridge in Hamina. Closer look of the new railing and an unexpected disused railway bridge. An old railway lining, track has been lifted long ago. Salmen stone bridge from the side. The railway bridge was apparently last used in the 1980's, it was part of the decommissioned Inkeroinen-Hamina railway line which was replaced by a new line.  
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  Despite having been out of use for the last quarter a century, it still looks rather good. The other side of the railway bridge, could make a useful footbridge if renovated since the Salmen bridge next to it has no provision for pedestrians or bikes. Salmen bridge from yet another angle. An old 122mm howitzer right next to the decommissioned railway line. Looks pretty good, no idea how it has ended up on someone's yard.  
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  An unusually beautiful house right next to the stone bridge. Trench line in a forest. More trench, can be hardly seen through the foliage. Our actual goal in Hamina, WW2-era cave which was meant as living quarters for soldiers, the smoke stack of the heating system. The entrance, the smoke stack continues far into the cave.  
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  Brick smoke stack lining the entrance. This had probably been a well. And this is meant for cleaning the smoke stack, several of these lids are littered throughout its length. The brick chamber just before the actual living space, this was meant to heat the cave. Some kind of channel...  
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  This seems to have been the fireplace despite its small size, due to the white fireproof brickwork in the back, it's inside the brick chamber. A poor photo of the actual living space, it was so large that two powerful flashlights and camera flash barely did anything. The ceiling. My friend walking towards the end of the cave. The heating channels in the entrance end.  
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  You can just barely make out the entrance in the distance, I still had nearly half the cave behind myself. Outside the cave there's a trench line made out of large rocks which have been placed close to the cliffside, to allow for safe travel to the top of the hill. The line is long and follows the hill while going upwards slowly. It's also quite deep in places. The rocks have been tied together with iron bars, telling of their artificial nature.  
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  Anotehr photo of the ties. A second unfinished rock-bored trench line goes down on the other side of the entrance to the cave. Barely seen through the vegetation again. The hill has like had some kind of an important position since there are no less than two sheltered passageways from the cave to the top, the entrance to the cave on the right side. Unknown attachements, the whole cliff was full of odd iron hoops and steel bolts stuck into the rock.  
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  Steel hoops near the entrance which is down the cliffside. The smokestack from above. One more photo of a trench which has been made into solid rock. Going down.  
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